Discovering your goals

Accelerate business growth with solution discovery workshop
Devinx’s Discovery Workshop Helps You

Validate Your Idea
Assisting you in comprehending the advantages and drawbacks linked to your idea.

Build concrete Requirements
Clearly outlining key objectives and determining the desired features for your new software product.

Involve Stakeholders
Ensuring alignment of stakeholders and end users from day one for enhanced adaptability post deployment.

Visualize your Idea
Creating rapid prototypes to provide a visual representation of how your new project will look and function.

Save valuable Resources
Establishing cost estimates for desired features upfront to prevent exceeding your budget for the project.

Prevent Scope Creep
Establishing requirements before development to mitigate scope creep and prevent delays in project delivery.
The key steps in the discovery process


Technical documentation

User research

Main goal

Let’s start the design!
The key steps in the discovery process
User research
Main goal
Technical documentation
Let’s start the design!
What are the discovery workshop products?
- Selection of appropriate technologies
- Backlog of requirements
- User stories and user journey
- Diagram of the application structure
- Initial estimated delivery time and cost

Discovery Workshop Deliverable
Main Problems for Clients

- Underestimating project implementation costs.
- Launching a product in the market with less or no potential.
- Finding on product not solving user needs.
What You Get

Requirements Document
A comprehensive document outlining the goals for the project along with the required features.

Technical Evaluation
Recognizing technical challenges and formulating optimal solutions to attain your business objectives.

Clickable prototype
Transforming your idea into a clickable prototype, offering a visual representation that functions on the platforms of your preference.

Project Plan
Establishing development schedules and furnishing cost estimates based on the defined requirements.
Allowing UI/UX and development teams to go through detailed information for flawless deliverables

Pak Campers – Discovery workshop
for website

Droobi Health – Discovery workshop
for a web portal for doctors

SIClytics(CRM) – Discovery workshop
for a Multitalent